25 research outputs found

    The myth of the lazy lecturer : the academic-ability, industrial expertise and international competitiveness of Malaysian academics / Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan

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    As Asian institutions of higher learning prepare to scale the heights of the Times Higher Education World Top Universities' list, academics in these institutions have been asked to actively collaborate in regional knowledge sharing initiatives and to foster stronger ties to external industries. In Malaysia, beyond mainstream political rhetoric it is possible that this objective is merely a myth. This research project examined three large institutions of higher learning in Malaysia - two public and one private - to gauge faculty productivity through regional collaboration and industrial linkage by academics in these institutions. Data gathered from questionnaires and selective interviews with research participants confirms that collaborations and linkages by Malaysian academics are few and far between and the target of the Malaysian government has not been realized, and is likely to be unachievable in the near future. Some of the reasons behind this failure are also highlighted by this current research effort


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         Abstrak Kurikulum Membaca Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Skolah Menengah: Sebuah Persepsi Guru. Permasalahan yang di hadapi dalam pembelajaran membaca pemahaman tidak hanya terjadi secara khusus pada siswa di Malaysia. Secara faktual banyak siswa di dunia yang mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami bacaan. Secara faktual, terdapat beberapa siswa yang memelukan strategi pembelajaran khusus yang konkret untuk membantu memahami bacaan. Pemikiran awal yang hendak di kedepankan dalam tulisan ini adalah dengan mendefinisikan kegiatan membaca, kemudian diikuti dengan sebuah kajian mendalam berkait dengan pembelajaran bahasa komunikatif (CLT) yang diadaptasi dari bentuk 5 kurikulum membaca bahasa Inggris di Malaysia. Bagi penulis, pembaca, dan teks, membaca merupakan bentuk aktual dari sebuah proses komunikasi yang menempatkan pembaca  memahami aturan-aturan secara aktif dalam sebuah proses membaca. Asumsi dasar dalam penelitian ini adalah pentingnya guru menerapkan aturan-aturan yang didasari pada tujuan belajar dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa membaca pemahaman. Hal ini merefleksi pentingnya kurikulum membaca yang akan diimplementasikan guru dalam pembelajaran membaca sebagai pijakan penyususnan ancangan kurikulum. Hal ini yang diharapkan kajian ini dapat memberikan manfaat termasuk dalam pengembangan kurikulum dan penyiapan ujian hanya untuk guru Malaysia tetapi juga di dunia sekitar.Kata kunci: kurikulum membaca bahasa Inggris, kemampuan membaca pemahaman AbstractThe Secondary School English Language Reading Curriculum: A teacher’s Perceptions. The problem of reading comprehension is not unique to only Malaysian graduates. In fact many students experience comprehension difficulties. This, some sudents need explicit comprehension strategy instruction. A rational starting point for this discussion is by defining what reading is. It is then followed by a brief review on Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) which is adopted in the Malaysian Form 5 English Language Reading Curriculum. Involving the writer, the reader and the text, reading is actually a communication process where a reader is seen to perform an active role in a reading process. Based on the many previous researches, it is obvious that the teacher’s role in aiding students’ reading comprehension skills is vital. This also reflects the importance of the reading curriculum, as teachers will impkement their reading instruction based on the outlined curriculum. It is hoped that this study may benefit those involved in the curriulum development and examination syndicate, to enhance the teaching and learning processes of reading in the second language, not only among teachers in Malaysia but also world-wide.Keywords: English language Reading Curriculum, reading comprehension skil

    Evolusi watak makhluk ciptaan Frankenstein sebagai metafora penerimaan aspek pantang larang oleh masyarakat kontemporari

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    Makhluk ciptaan Frankenstein sentiasa menjadi salah satu daripada watak yang ditakuti dan dipinggirkan masyarakat dalam banyak filem seram yang telah dihasilkan. Penciptaannya digambarkan sebagai satu cara mencabar kuasa Tuhan. Sejak ianya mula dicipta, makhluk tersebut telah menjadi satu lambang dosa, penderhakaan, kegagalan, dan pantang larang dalam banyak karya sastera. Telah bertahun lamanya watak makhluk ciptaan Frankenstein diadaptasi dalam banyak filem. Pada masa yang sama, kriteria dan perwatakan makhluk tersebut juga telah diubah daripada watak yang menjijikkan ramai kepada watak yang lebih menyenangkan umum. Dalam mengenal pasti kesahihan perkara tersebut, tiga watak yang mewakili makhluk ciptaan Frankenstein daripada korpus yang berbeza telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan konsep Entextualization, salah satu daripada cabang disiplin di bawah Comparative Literature atau dikenali sebagai Kesusasteraan Perbandingan. Makhluk yang pertama diambil daripada buku karangan Mary Shelley yang bertajuk ‘Frankenstein’, diikuti oleh makhluk ciptaan Frankenstein daripada filem Van Helsing, dan akhir sekali daripada satu rangkaian anime Jepun, Soul Eater. Dengan menggunakan Entextualization, hasil penemuan menunjukkan bahawa kriteria dan perwatakan asal makhluk ciptaan Frankenstein yang ditakuti serta dipinggirkan masyarakat telah diubahsuai menjadi watak yang lebih menyenangkan ramai, bersifat gagah berani dan diberi peranan yang penting. Peralihan tersebut dianggap amat penting kerana ianyan dapat disimpulkan sebagai satu cerminan corak sosial dalam aspek penerimaan masyarakat social terhadap sesuatu yang dianggap sebagai pantang larang yang tidak boleh dilanggar sama sekali. Kesusasteraan Perbandingan juga digunapakai bagi menampakkan lagi persamaan dan perbezaan yang terdapat dalam korpus yang telah dipilih. Kajian ini dikenalpasti telah menyumbang kepada perkembangan kajian genre seram secara khusus dan kajian sosial secara umumnya

    The Secondary School English Language Reading Curriculum: a Teacher\u27s Perceptions

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    The Secondary School English Language Reading Curriculum: A teacher\u27s Perceptions. The problem of reading comprehension is not unique to only Malaysian graduates. In fact many students experience comprehension difficulties. This, some sudents need explicit comprehension strategy instruction. A rational starting point for this discussion is by defining what reading is. It is then followed by a brief review on Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) which is adopted in the Malaysian Form 5 English Language Reading Curriculum. Involving the writer, the reader and the text, reading is actually a communication process where a reader is seen to perform an active role in a reading process. Based on the many previous researches, it is obvious that the teacher\u27s role in aiding students\u27 reading comprehension skills is vital. This also reflects the importance of the reading curriculum, as teachers will impkement their reading instruction based on the outlined curriculum. It is hoped that this study may benefit those involved in the curriulum development and examination syndicate, to enhance the teaching and learning processes of reading in the second language, not only among teachers in Malaysia but also world-wide

    The effects of explicit vocabulary instructions on secondary ESL students’ vocabulary learning

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    This study intends to investigate the effect of explicit vocabulary instructions on students’ vocabulary learning in Perak. A quasi-experimental research design was employed, and the scores of the pre- and post-tests were analysed using independent sample t-test, paired sample t-test and descriptive statistics. The score comparison and total improvement scores in percentage were also presented. The questionnaires in the student’s feedback form were analysed descriptively in terms of their mean scores and standard deviation. The qualitative data from the semi-structured students’ interview was transcribed, categorised and coded by using content analysis. The paired sample t-test results were (t=-17.85, df=29, p<.05) for the experimental group and (t=-4.85, df=29, p<.05) for the control group. Based on the results, the experimental and control groups improved significantly (p=.000*) in the post-test with a mean difference of 15.62. Thus, the use of different techniques of the explicit method is effective in helping learners to acquire target words. A longitudinal study is recommended to observe the effects of the explicit method of vocabulary instructions if longer time is given for the learners to learn the target words. Such work will indicate whether longer learning period results in better vocabulary knowledge or not. This research extends value in the field of vocabulary learning because it can be used to carry out further investigations in improving the students' ability to learn new words. A possible global extension of this study should be conducted to further determine the power of explicit or other novel vocabulary approaches in advancing students’ vocabulary prowess


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    Background and Purpose: The use of technology in school classrooms and other innovations in teaching has become very crucial in the education field. Google Classroom is one of the technology innovations which has been developed to allow teachers and learners to meet up virtually to promote an interesting teaching and learning experience. In this present study, this paper outlines the results of a survey which was carried out to identify the factors the intention to use Google Classroom among secondary schools’ teachers in Kinta Selatan District in Perak. The study investigated the different parameter which contribute directly to teachers’ intention to use Google Classroom which are technical support, attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and technological knowledge. &nbsp; Methodology: The sample consisted 216 government secondary schools in Kinta Selatan District. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the participants with the assistance of the principals of the schools. &nbsp; Findings: The result of the study revealed that the variables of attitude, perceived usefulness and technological knowledge have a significant effect in the intention to use Google Classroom. As far as technical support and perceived ease of use are concerned, the relationship with intention to use Google Classroom was found negative. &nbsp; Contributions: This study contributes to the area of Google Classroom use for education since it may be used to do future research into how to improve teachers' abilities to teach more effectively using Google Classroom. &nbsp; Keywords: Google Classroom, secondary schools, teachers, technology, classroom. &nbsp; Cite as: Devi Piaralal, S., Mohd Tahir, M. H., Mohd Adnan, A. H., Mohamad Shah, D. S., &amp; Ya Shak, M. S. (2023). The use of Google Classroom among secondary school teachers. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(1), 310-332. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss1pp310-33

    Explicit vocabulary instruction: Effects of vocabulary learning on Form Two ESL learners

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    Per its English curriculum, vocabulary instruction is only integrated indirectly in the teaching of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in Malaysian schools. ESL learners then may overlook the variety of meanings that a word and its spelling can offer. This research aims to describe the effects of the explicit approach of vocabulary instruction on 30 Form Two (eighth grade) students from a suburban school in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. A descriptive style was adopted, and specific vocabulary lessons were used to help students learn the target words. Using descriptive statistics, vocabulary pre- and post-test scores were analysed and compared to determine the impact of this approach. The frequency counts, percentages, mean scores, and standard deviation of the students’ evaluation form responses were analysed. Content analysis was used to transcribe, classify, and categorise qualitative data from the interview session. According to the data, the students’ vocabulary scores increased dramatically in the post-test, with a mean gap of 21.9. The students were also enthusiastic about the teacher’s instructions (M=4.48, SD=0.64) and vocabulary lessons (M=4.34, SD=0.59). It is suggested that the explicit approach of vocabulary instruction, which engages students in exciting vocabulary learning techniques as employed by this study could enhance their vocabulary knowledge.

    Google Classroom as Perceived by Educators: An Overview

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    Learning Management System (LMS) is gaining prominence in how education is delivered today due to the increased popularity of remote and online distance learning and the unimaginable COVID-19 pandemic that stuns the world. One of the more popular LMSs in the world is Google Classroom (GC). Due to its popularity, it is essential for the perception of its users particularly educators to be gauged as it is believed that their perception could determine what they do in their teaching and learning sessions. This paper reviewed eleven selected past studies about educators’ perception on the use of GC. The content of these studies was analyzed and coded into themes and specific categories by using the Atlas.ti Software. In general, educators seem to hold a positive perception on the use of GC with their students. However, some reservations about the use of GC have also been expressed. Several recommendations about how GC could be improved were also offered by the participants in the studies. The gaps in the past studies might provide some ideas on how the educators’ perception of GC could be better ascertained in future

    Principles regarding the use of haram (forbidden) sources in food processing: a critical Islamic analysis

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    Islam has prepared and outlined clear rules and regulations regarding all types of food, including food from haram sources (forbidden based on the Islamic religion) derived from animals and other bases. This article critically reflects on general Fiqh principles that have been debated by Islamic clerics and renowned experts on Islamic Fiqh regarding this thorny issue. Fiqh scholars, for instance, argue that the halal status of each and every food product could easily be determined by examining how that product was processed from the very beginning. In this sense, if the original source of the product is halal then the final processed product is also deemed halal. Contrarily, if the original source of the product is haram then the final processed product will be considered haram, if the source is dirty, illicit and/or unclean in the eyes of Islam. Even though the final processed product has changed so much in its basic constituents, this product will still be considered haram. Jurists from the Maliki and Hanafi, on the other hand, every item that is considered haram and unclean can be considered halal and fit for consumption or use in the eyes of Islam provided the original item has changed so much from its original make up. That said, jurists from all four sects seem to agree that any new products that can cause detriment and harm to human beings, either directly or otherwise, should be considered impure and haram for consumption and other indirect uses

    Integrating Socio-Digital Skills in the Industry 4.0 era for graduates' employability: An employers’ perspective

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    The technological changes brought by the fourth industrial revolutions heavily impacted business environments and created a perfect storm in the employment market, prompting a need to explore the implications of changes in job demands and skills requirements. The debate remains to focus on graduate skills and employability, increasingly robust competition with experienced and skilful workers, changing skills due to technological changes. Identification of integration of skills is both essential and difficult. Considering that Industry 4.0 is still in Malaysia's early stage, this research intends to elucidate the exact integration of skills in the Industry 4.0 environment. This research adopts a qualitative methodology to explore the employment trend in the Industry 4.0 landscape. A qualitative research method is adopted, considering economies and labour-market experts do not yet know the exact mix or level of skills that particular occupations will demand. The findings revealed that employers value fresh graduates’ effort to integrate social and digital skills, leading to greater employability opportunities. The graduates must be able to coherent narrative shows to influence and convince the employer that they possess the right integration of skills to fit the organisation's culture and goals. Future job demands allow graduates to gain employability and compete with experienced candidates in a digital environment. What sets the graduates apart and gives them a competitive advantage is constructing strong socio-digital skills. The graduates must be able to coherent narrative shows to influence and convince the employer that they possess the right integration of skills to fit the organisation's culture and goals